Youtube is always goiong to be superior to Spotify just because … it has more stuff.
The downside is that it’s hard to know wtf is real any more, when searching for something.
The upside is that the “tail end” of what’s available is much longer on Youtube.
Today, for instance, I discovered Jun Fukamachi
(electronic jazz music, sort of. Like a lot of people I end up really liking, a dead person. Anyway.)
Spotify, for instance, shows just three albums:
Youtube has … many, many albums. This particular one was an album made in 1984: Starview HCT-5808.
Now, many of them might be fake, but … as long as there is something I can get on Youtube I can’t get on Spotify, well, I’m going to add to my playlists there, aren’t I?
Originally published at on October 14, 2020.