The weirdness and awesomeness of long-form YouTube

Agam B
Nov 12, 2020


I found myself listening to this recently:

From the description:

This is the ambient electromagnetic signal of our Sun and Neptune which have been combined with each other and then deepened and smoothed out quite a bit.

Now I don’t know how exactly this audio version was derived, but … hey, it works for me for my “white noise needs” (certainly well enough to consider cancelling my subscription, more so because I’m consolidating subscriptions these days and trying to get rid of as many of these yes-its-”sub-$5"-but-do-I-really-need-it ones).

After this “ space noise”, I discovered “ engine noise”, which comes in a huge variety as well:

  • The ambient engine noise from the Enterprise (TNG):
  • Ambient engine noise from the Nostromo:

This is why I don’t think I can live without Youtube (deadly serious here).

I can find substitutes for Gmail, for Docs, even Google Search ( DuckDuckGo has been my default on iPhone/iPad/MacBook for over two years now, I use gmail but primarily through MailMate, and I really only use Docs at work).

When it comes to Youtube, I go the opposite way: I’m willing to pay some token amount — beacuse I’d listen to engine noise without advertisements 😁

Originally published at on November 12, 2020.



Agam B
Agam B

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