- A sobering reality: “the world runs on Excel, Java 8, and Sharepoint”
- A trend toward the end of open source
- Something cool: Pharo and the “Glamorous Toolkit”
- Next, the “programmable browser”
- On Craftsmen and Scientists
- Some code challenges
- On how some REPLs are better than others
Programming languages
- Thoughts on Zig and Rust
- Discovered this wild and whacky language: “Pliant”
- In defense of C
- Chris Lattner on the future of programming languages,
The web
- A possible replacement for the web
- 90s internet!
- On breathing slowly
- You might be having a bad day, but at least the ground didn’t suddenly open under you, leaving you with broken bones and rats crawling over you
- Soviet research from prisons
- Lex Fridman interviews Peter Norvig
- On hauntology
The world
- Reflecting on Solzhenitsyn’s Harvard Address (“A world split apart”, from … a bit before I was born, in 1978)
- On Americans as builders
- On whether being associated with Trump or Osama Bin Laden, is worse, today
- Star Wars in Asciimation (!)
- Chris Hedges on “the politics of despair”
- Psilocybin ftw
- Whales are old
- Gravity and cosmology
- On the crowded and busy life of cells
- A consistent yet unexplained pulsation in the earth
- Microscopes going sub-atomic
- Rendezvousing with an asteroid before a return mission
- Piggybacking on whales to the deep ocean
- First, I learnt about ogre-faced spiders. Then I learnt that they can hear wingbeats of insects a few feet away (and they hear this through their legs ?!)
- Hans Zimmer and the new Dune trailer
- I too have been enjoying Obsidian for a while now
- On that note, Mimix
- Making millions of early Usenet posts available to read
- A story about the woman who sued the fish and wildlife department of California for not acknowledging the existence of Bigfoot